Family enjoys outdoors on April 8.

Spring Hike at Aldo Leopold Center

I spy some garter snakes!
The group poses for a photo.
Jumping over a puddle is part of the fun of a spring hike!
Looking for spring flowers on the hike.

What do you get when you have a beautiful spring day and add kids?  A great day to be outside exploring!  That’s what happened on April 8 at the Aldo Leopold Center Nature Center. Wisconsin was experiencing some unusually warm weather for April and nature did not disappoint. The kids saw Virginia Bluebells, Bloodroot, garter snakes, Canada Geese and turtles. After our hike, we had s’mores and snacks around a fire along with some hot cocoa. Everyone had a great time. Many thanks to the staff at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center for leading the hike and providing the space for a great afternoon of adventure.

Family enjoys outdoors on April 8.

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