8183 Hwy 19, Cross Plains
July 11, 2015
7:30-10 p.m.
Let the kids stay up late tonight.
Join Get Kids Outside on an easy hike and then cook some marshmallows and make a firefly craft while we wait for the show. Why do they blink? What makes them glow? We may even catch a few. Bring water, bug dope, a flashlight and a clear container for catching bugs if you like. Hike starts at 7:30 p.m. from the parking lot. Cost is $5 per person, $15 for family of four. Tickets are available at https://fireflyhike.eventbrite.com. Contact Diane Schwartz at 608-358-8314, getkidsoutside@gmail.com. Click here for map.
Get Kids Outside believes that nature is the greatest healer and teacher. We create community through public hikes and events that heal our hearts, calm our minds, and remind us that we are more alike than different. We provide outdoor opportunities that increase health and wellness and promote learning among children and families of color. All proceeds will provide more outdoor opportunities for kids. If you are inspired by this work, please donate.