
Brainstorm Session: How do we make Outdoor Activities more Accessible to all Children in Madison?

Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015
30 W. Mifflin Street, 6th floor (Next to Veterans Museum)
Free and open to the public
Register via Facebook or email

Join Diane Schwartz, founder of Get Kids Outside to brainstorm ways to get Madison’s youth of color engaged in the outdoors. What are the barriers? What do we need to succeed? How can we make Madison’s abundant natural resources available to all? What kind of structures do we need to support this? 
Madison is at a turning point. In Our Madison Plan, Justified Anger named Family and Community Wellness as one of five goals. To achieve this goal will take many hands. Get Kids Outside believes that healthy outdoor activities is a big part of the solution. We know that hiking, biking, birdwatching, skiing or just sitting and playing in nature, lowers anxieties, helps kids focus in school, and facilitates lifelong health. Now, how do we get this done?
Please come and share your ideas. Let’s start an outdoor revolution in Madison.

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