What are you crazy!
Not those Eagles, but the REAL eagles of Wisconsin.
Last Saturday, I took 40 kids and parents on a chartered bus to Eagle Days in Sauk City. It was a good day. When nature puts on a show, there is nothing better.
We saw at least 30 eagles. Most were flying near the dam at Prairie du Sac. We saw at least 8 eagles perched in the trees near the shore and many more flying over the water. Unlike other years, it was easy to see them. We didn’t have to strain to see their white heads across the river.
Everyone’s head was pasted to the windows of the bus looking and talking.
“That one is diving for a fish!”
“Look there’s another one.”
We probably could have stayed longer than we did, but we were on a schedule.
The trip went very well, but as always, there’s room for improvement.
1) Have parents pay a deposit for the trip: 20 people who signed up didn’t show. I think it’s because we didn’t charge anything. We received a grant to take the trip so that’s nice, but some people take advantage of this.
2) Try to schedule the bird of prey show for next year: Due to scheduling, we missed the bird of prey show. Instead we took in David Stokes’ animal show. He had snakes, toads, a mouse and turtles. Pretty cool stuff, but I miss the raptors.
3) Allow more time for lunch. We were a bit rushed for lunch and some kids didn’t get to finish their eagle buttons in the kids area.
Eagles will by visible until the ice melts up north, so there’s still plenty of time to see them. Go to www.saukprairie.com for information on viewing. Then you too can become an Eagles fan.
Just be careful who you mention that to.
What are you doing to expose kids to the real world?
Diane Schwartz is a Packer fan and a real eagle fan who works at the Goodman Community Center in Madison, Wisconsin. You can also find her at Schumacher Farm County Park in Waunakee where she’s working to get the trails open for cross country skiing. Subscribe to this blog and receive a free 11-page Bubble Activity Guide.
1 thought on “An Eagle Fan in Wisconsin: Not a joke”
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