Flash of white. Check.
Huge wing span. Check.
Yes, it’s eagle spotting time in southern Wisconsin.
I saw an eagle yesterday near the Wisconsin River. The bird was flying over the bluffs at the Spring Green Nature Conservancy off Hwy 23. With a white head and tail and huge wingspan, there’s no mistaking this bird, even from a distance. Further down the road on County Hwy GG, I spotted an eagle nest tucked into a “V” of the tree.
It’s always exciting to see eagles and to prepare for my annual trek to Eagle Days in Sauk City.
For the fourth consecutive year, I’ll be taking a group of kids and parents to this great public and free event on January 14.
Sauk City is an eagle sanctuary. When the lakes and rivers freeze up north, the birds fly south in search of open water. The Prairie du Sac dam on the Wisconsin River makes a perfect fishing hole for the birds in winter.
Last year we saw about 30 eagles. This year, thanks to a ridiculously warm winter, we’ll be lucky to see five.
Fortunately, there is much to do at Eagle Days and I know we’ll see enough eagles to leave us satisfied.
The Raptor Center will be releasing rehabilitated eagles at the VFW park at 12:30 p.m. and we always enjoy the bird of prey show at 11 a.m. The kids love seeing the birds up close.
As always, it will be a great day to be outside. If you go, look for the group of enthusiastic kids and write to me about how you liked the event.